Horror, Fantasy

  In this alternate universe where supernatural beings live along side with humans, a man by the name of Diego Soto, has proven his bravery by slaying a corpse eating dragon, Nidhoggr with his “Great Spirit Blade”. His actions however cost his life as the powers he used required his flesh and for them to be bound to the tree of death. His powers still play a role in shielding any other super natural threats that try to enter that town.

  Now 20 years later, three teens come to steal the great spirit sword as an initiation for a mysterious cult. Their antics backfire breaking the seal and awakening Nidhoggr , breaking free with an undead army into the city. Diego, has been awaken as well to try and stop this dragon once again and hopefully for good. Little does he and others soon to join him know more mayhem is sure to follow. Tone Rot Angel is horror story with dark elements but kept just enough in the light with humor regarding to common horror clichés. It pays homage to classic and even some modern horror tales to appeal to horror fans of many kinds. It is a mash-up of Hellboy and Dragon Ball.

shayla2  Shayla Hall is the mastermind and artist behind Rot Angel. She’s a graduate from the Art Institute of Atlanta with a bachelor’s degree in media art and Animation. She has works on FX’s Archer and Fx’s past series Chozen.

Shayla’s always been into art since preschool after watching her sister draw and gained an interest in animation and gaming since kindergarten. After college she’s gained an interest in sequential art.

Rot Angel was originally from an older story idea called Astrozerk back when she was in her junior year in high school, 2003. Over time the story has changed and became more and more complicated and she finally around 2009, split the story in two Rot Angel and Fang Tale (coming soon). Both representing her love of Horror and fantasy. Now with the help of Jacob Davison, they will make these stories come to life.Jacob

Jacob Davison is a writer and lover of all things weird and genre busting. A Boston, MA native having gone to Emerson College for screenwriting, he now lives in Los Angeles to pursue his career. As well as his interests at various comic book stores and independent movie theaters around town.